A detailed introduction to Python for tabular data using illustrative examples from League of Legends!
Hongjian Yang, Alex Cloud, Nami Sumida, Savannah Ward
September 20, 2020
Learn how critical strike rates are adjusted based off of previous attacks through a second dive into Riot's critical strike algorithm.
Justin De La Rosa
September 20, 2020
Read about how we used concepts from statistics and machine learning to explore early game jungle pathing!
Stephen Downhower
May 16, 2019
A League-inspired introduction to combinatorics, the study of counting.
Joseph Lutz
May 07, 2019
We're going back and taking a look at inting Sion, the undead-but-usually-dead phenomenon.
Andy Huang
January 23, 2019
A look at Nexus Blitz alpha—check out the best jungle duos, champion win rates across modes, and see how the game mode performed in terms of player engagement!
Hongjian Yang, Adam Durrett
November 30, 2018
With some involuntary help from solo queue "legend" Imaqtpie, we're presenting you the death recap we need, but not the one Riot thinks we deserve right now.
Andy Huang
August 21, 2018
Gain insight into champion classes and statistical data exploration with our new, data-driven champion groupings.
Matthew Singer
August 21, 2018
A data-driven look at how Riot adjusts critical strike chance based on previous attacks.
Nathan Langley
August 21, 2018
Learn all about our new ways of measuring map movement using the split score, companion score, and rotation score!
Daniel Dulaney
August 21, 2018